One of the pillars of our HOSA CTSO is Community Service. While we have lots of chapter projects we are involved in, some of our members go above and beyond and find their own project they are passionate about. Such is the case with our 2nd year MA student Alexis Sandoval. Alexis learned about Letters of Love, a non-profit whose mission is to "provide emotional support to children battling serious illnesses through the creation of hand-crafted, heartfelt letters." Volunteers like Alexis make handmade cards and sends them to Letters of Love to distribute to the children. We are so proud to announce that Alexis has hit her first milestone goal and made ONE HUNDRED cards! Way to go Alexis! You're amazing. Keep up the great work! #communityservice #CVIThosa #azhosa #rockstar
about 1 month ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
student smiling in official HOSA uniform
stack of handmade greeting cards
Our HOSA students are out at the Globe/Miami Farmers Market today spreading the word about NMDP (formerly Be the Match). NMDP matches individuals with blood diseases with individuals willing to donate their bone marrow, which can save their life. If you'd like to sign up for the match program OR would like to donate to the cause, go see them and learn more!
about 1 month ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
students standing behind a promo table
NMDP registry flyer
NMDP donation flyer
Please note--There will be no in-person class or work time today for Mental/Social Health Tech students. All other programs do have class as regularly scheduled. Have a great weekend!
about 1 month ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
class cancellation announcement
Last week, members of HOSA attended the CVIT School Board meeting to thank the Board for their support and share their experience at ILC in June. They also advocated for continued support in the upcoming year. We are so proud of them and their commitment to making this year the best ever in CVIT HOSA! #CVIThosa #azhosa #futuremedicalprofessionals #CTEWorks
about 1 month ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
students presenting at meeting
students presenting at meeting
HVAC Students--there will be no class today. We'll see you on Tuesday! All other programs are in session as usual.
about 2 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
HVAC class cancelled announcement
Reminder! There are NO CVIT classes in session tomorrow. Enjoy your Labor Day Holiday!
2 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
Labor Day notice
Our brand new Mental/Social Health Tech class is in full swing! This week our students made posters to teach others about different organizations supporting mental health efforts. #cteworks #futurementalhealthprofessionals
2 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
two students presenting
students working on group project
NIMH Infographic
students working on poster project
John Freeman's evening Pipe Welding class is canceled today. All other classes are still in session.
2 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
class canceled announcement
This is for first year CVIT students only. We will meet in room 522 in the main building of the college campus at 1:30. See you there!!
3 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
welcome reminder and text
EAC is hosting a Dental Assistant open house tomorrow 8/5 from 5:30-6:30. If anyone would like to come in, see the lab, and meet the instructor, you are welcome!
3 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
Our HOSA students will be assisting with this event today. We are proud to be able to serve those in need in our community! If you know someone who is unsheltered, couch-surfing, or needs support or resources, today is a one-stop shop to learn about what's available.
3 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
Jason Sanchez Homeless Connection Event Flyer
Reminder: CVIT classes run on the EAC schedule. We will start 8/19. First-year MA, NA, Early Childhood, and Mental Health Tech Classes and Fire Science students taking the First Aid class begin 8/14. We can't wait to see you!
3 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
back to school flyer with classroom image
Congratulations to our hard working students who can now register as Medical Assistants! We're so proud of you and all your hard work!
5 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
congratulations post with student names and stethoscope image
Due to today's eclipse, the following in-person classes are canceled: 1st/2nd yr Med Asst Nursing Asst Dental Asst Students should check Canvas for their assignments. All other classes are in session. Students traveling from outside the Globe Miami area may be excused if they are running late for afternoon classes.
7 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
solar eclipse
Happy Easter weekend! Our March newsletter is live with lots of great info. Check it out here
7 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
March CVIT Newsletter
Hey everyone! March 11-15th is Futures Week at CVIT! Visit Ms. D's virtual office and look at the whiteboard to get more info on what's happening this week.
8 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
FUTURES week calendar
Day 1 of phlebotomy skills for 2nd semester. Our students are moving on to tougher draws such as pulling blood from the hand with a butterfly. If you're over 18 and brave, come out on Thursday afternoons. They always need new veins to practice on. 🧛🏻‍♀️ #industryskills #realworldlearning #cteworks
9 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
student drawing blood from another with teacher instructing
female student drawing blood from male
We are continuing with our celebration of National CTE Month by advocating to even more of our community members about the awesome things happening at CVIT. Thank you so much Mayor Medina of Miami and Mayor Gameros of Globe for issuing proclamations celebrating the wonderful things CTE offers! #cteworks #partnerships #studentcentered
9 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
Students and Staff at Miami Town Council Meeting
Staff, Mayor, and Students at Globe Council Meeting
NEW SCHOLARSHIPS OPENING TODAY! Resolution Copper has five different scholarship opportunities for Copper Corridor students. Go to to see which one(s) you qualify for!
9 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
resolution copper scholarship cover page
Hey ya'll, be sure to check out the latest edition of the CVIT Counselor Connection Newsletter and help me celebrate National School Counseling Week by sharing what you love about your school counselor! Link is at the end of the newsletter.
9 months ago, Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT)
Front cover of January CVIT Counselor Connection Newsletter